Thursday, January 27, 2011

Indoor/Outdoor Rugs Save the Day

I was thinking about ripping out the floor in the entry way and retiling. Then I remembered I am DYING to re-do our kitchen so the money sunk in to a tiling project would be best directed to the kitchen fund. (Rather, Jake pointed this out and I grudgingly agreed his was right, this time.)

Instead, a rug can cover most of the weird slate tile stuff. Off I went looking for a 3 x 5 indoor/outdoor rug in a neat print. Why indoor/ourdoor? We use our front door often, and traipse down the stairs to teh lower level a lot.  Plus, we have a dog that loves to tear crap up so something a little more study is wise.

Here are three great options.  Once of which is coming my way this week!

Martha Stewart Faux Bois
Ballard Designs as seen over on Little Green Notebook
Another Ballard Designs choice I considered

What do y'all think, is a polypropelene (aka plastic) rug tacky?

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